Letter: We need to get big money out of politics

By Karen Beck

The Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling eight years ago corrupted our democracy by allowing the rich to overrule the rest of us forever. A prime example is the loophole-ridden Republican tax law which benefits the rich and corporations at the expense of the rest of us. As the eighth anniversary of this disastrous ruling rolls around, what can you do? Call your local and state leaders and ask them to introduce and support legislation that gets big money out of politics then hold them accountable at the ballot box. Support new leaders who are champions for getting money out of politics. By working locally, we can pass legislation like California's DISCLOSE Act which lets the voters follow the money. Locally you can get involved with the California Clean Money Campaign at www.CAclean.org or in Contra Costa County get involved at contracostamoveon.org.

See the article on San Jose Mercury News website

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