Rally for Public Financing Today

*Measure H would fully fund Berkeley government elections

By Staff Reports

BERKELEY -- Backers of Berkeley's public financing measure on the November ballot are holding a kickoff party and rally today at University of California, Berkeley.

If approved by a simple majority on Nov. 2, Measure H will make Berkeley the first city in Alameda County to fully bankroll the City Council, school board, auditor and mayoral elections with public money.

The "Yes on H" campaign kickoff begins at 11:30 a.m. with a noon rally on the Savio Steps in Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley.

Speakers will include Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates; Brian Johns with the California Clean Money Campaign; Paul Turner from the Greenlining Institute; Sam Ferguson and Dan Newman from the Berkeley Fair Elections Coalition and others.

Backers of the measure say using public money instead of individual campaign contributions to fund local elections would level the playing field and give candidates a chance to explore the issues rather than drumming up contributions.

The plan, which wouldn't likely take effect until 2008, would cost the city up to $498,000 annually. Tax increases, fees, fines or assessments are likely if approved, city officials said.

The plan is opposed by a number of neighborhood organizations as well as the Berkeley Property Owners Association. The opponents are also against three other measures -- Measures K, L and M -- on the November ballot which will all raise taxes.

See the article on Oakland Tribune website

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