Reform, Hucksters
And stop running City Hall like an ad agency
By David Zahniser
The best way to understand some of the bizarre behavior at
City Hall is to view its politicians not so much as policy
experts or as community advocates, but as advertising
executives. How else to explain the name of Councilman
Dennis Zine's monthly newsletter, the Zine Line? Or his
annual thank-you to the community, the Z Awards? Or his
public-safety group, POSSE: People Organized for a Safe,
Secure Environment?
Sometimes the marketing pitches are zippy, like council
President Eric Garcetti's fight against graffiti, known as
UNTAG. And sometimes they fall flat, like the unfortunately
titled press release from Councilwoman Wendy Greuel:
"Greuel questions whether seniors have enough time to cross
the street safely."
These catchy but frequently cheesy slogans are the sound of
our city's political elite trying to get an uninterested
public to turn their attention, even for a few seconds,
away from Paris Hilton's DUI arrest. And that may explain
why it was so satisfying to see a judge take the council to
the woodshed last week, yanking from the November 7 ballot
a measure that sought to roll back municipal term limits by
exactly one notch.
Superior Court Judge Robert O'Brien said Proposition R
improperly combined two unrelated topics: the council's bid
to weaken term limits, giving them a shot at three terms
instead of two, and a passel of tangentially connected
ethics proposals that could complicate life a tiny bit for
the city's lobbyists.
Yanking Proposition R from the ballot wasn't in itself the
watershed. After all, a three-judge panel decided a day
later to put the measure back on the ballot, at least
temporarily, so it can sort out the legal arguments itself.
No, the real triumph was seeing someone, anyone, blow the
whistle on reform, a concept that has been flogged to death
at City Hall.
You see, the "R" in the term-limits ballot measure stands
for "reform," as Garcetti pointed out. And in the massive
advertising agency that is City Hall, reform is the
catchiest jingle of all, played over and over again
shamelessly, until political consumers can't get it out of
their heads.
By choosing the letter "R," the council, directly or
indirectly, sought to send voters a subtle message: that
each element of the ballot measure, from term limits to the
wording used in campaign phone calls, is inherently good
for city government. Ban lobbyists from fund-raising?
That's reform! Give the council a chance at a third
four-year term? Hey, that's also reform! But wait. Wasn't
the original term-limits measure, passed more than a decade
ago, reform too?
And that's where the judge came in. O'Brien said
Proposition R disenfranchises the voters by forcing them to
choose some parts of the measure but not others. What if,
for example, voters want to screw lobbyists but screw the
current council members too, by denying them a third term?
Under the wording of Proposition R, they can't. In other
words, voters may have very different views on what reform
is and isn't.
And who can quibble with reform? In political circles, the
word signifies the opposite of status quo, which any
politician wants to get the hell away from. That's why
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger tried unsuccessfully last
year to describe his four ill-fated ballot measures:
including one to strip unions of their financial power: as
reform. That's also why Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, an
occasional Schwarzenegger ally, billed his plan for gaining
power at Los Angeles Unified School District as "school
reform" in e-mail blasts sent by his campaign apparatus,
one funded by the very symbols of the status quo: business
leaders, real estate developers and high-level Republican
"It is a time-honored tradition in political campaigning
that if you call it reform, voters will fall for it," said
former Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, who was forced out of
office by term limits: the city's big reform initiative of
1993: and spent years advising her constituents to run the
other direction from anything with the word "reform"
attached to it.
Garcetti, the politician taking the heat for the term-limit
ballot measure, said an extra four years in office will
give council members greater success in achieving long-term
goals, from construction of a regional transportation
network to costly efforts to clean up the ocean. And he
argued that Proposition R will indeed bring reform: reform
of the city's ethics rules, its lobbying system and term
limits, at least as they apply to the council. Reforms are
incremental but necessary changes to a system, added
Garcetti, one of six council members who took office in
2001 (the year municipal term limits finally kicked in) and
will lose their posts in 2009.
"'R' is not for 'revolution,'" he explained. "Maybe getting
rid of term limits is revolution. Maybe clean money, or
full public financing of campaigns, is revolution. In my
work in the council, most of what we do is reform. It's
rare that you do wholesale change of a system 180 degrees
overnight, and that's probably a good thing."
Backers of Proposition R talk of the word "reform" as if it
were a verbal life preserver, helping voters grasp
otherwise impenetrable issues. "I don't know of a better
word to get the public's attention," said Ron Gastelum, who
heads the L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce, a group
bankrolling the term-limit measure.
One of the people not buying Garcetti's argument is Greg
Nelson, a spokesman for Not Prop R and a onetime aide to
former Councilman Joel Wachs, who stepped down a year
before term limits would have ended his three-decade
political career. Nelson said the very concept of reform
has been rendered meaningless at City Hall, and that the
ballot measure's ethics proposals are too minor to be
considered reform.
Maybe the concept of reform is already beginning to
crumble. Teachers unions didn't buy Schwarzenegger's pitch
last year, spending millions to crush his four "reform"
ballot measures. And many teachers individually voiced
doubts about Villaraigosa's school-reform bill, which lacks
any proposals for reducing the dropout rate or addressing
the achievement gap facing Latino and African-American
"There's not a thing in it about education or children or
learning," said high school teacher Warren Fletcher. "It's
a political bill. You can consider it a good political bill
or a bad political bill, but it's a political bill."
So imagine what would happen if the city's elected
officials kicked the reform habit, calling things for what
they are instead of wrapping them in gauzy verbal tissue.
Garcetti would describe Business Tax Reform as something
more straightforward, like lower taxes or even tax breaks.
Greuel would call campaign-finance reform something more
precise, like taxpayer-funded candidates. And City
Controller Laura Chick, who embraces the word "reform" the
way junkies turn to crack, would explain why reform means a
municipal audit of L.A. Unified's budget but not the
district's massive $19 billion school-construction
The irony is, term limits have only intensified
politicians' voracious hunger for publicity, which in turn
causes them to embrace dumbed-down marketing strategies,
from Councilwoman Janice Hahn's endless press conferences
on Reggie the Alligator to Villaraigosa's use of confetti
cannons. With both eyes focused on their next four-year
term or their next step up, politicians are locked in a
perpetual campaign.
"They figure that in order to stay in the public eye, they
have to keep proposing things, as opposed to making the
stuff that exists work," Galanter said. There's something
fitting in seeing Galanter and Nelson: fixtures on the
council floor from the 1980s and 1990s, booted by term
limits in this decade: pooh-poohing the council's
over-reliance on reform as a sales strategy. With 40-plus
years of political experience between them, they are among
the few who remember how reform has been used to help
politicians get ahead. Former Mayor Tom Bradley proposed
the creation of the Ethics Commission to divert attention
away from his own misdeeds; he had been steering City Hall
business to a bank where he served on the board of
directors. The City Council put on the ballot a package of
ethics reforms once they were able to include a provision
that put their salaries in line with judges', a move that
has doubled their pay to $150,000 in 15 years.
Then there's former Mayor Richard Riordan, a political
neophyte who worked hard in late 1992 to put himself in the
public eye. With his first campaign for mayor looming,
Riordan spent nearly $500,000 on a ballot measure limiting
each of the city's elected officials to two, four-year
terms: a political campaign that got his name and face into
newspaper articles and campaign mailers.
Riordan recanted a few months ago, telling the Los Angeles
Daily News that he was dead wrong about term limits for the
council. Yet only a day later, the former mayor wrote an
op-ed for the same newspaper urging Angelenos to back
Villaraigosa's plan for L.A. Unified. But if he was so
wrong about the term-limit thing, why should we trust his
judgment now on the school plan? Oh, right. It's reform.
See the article on LA Weekly website