Unopposed Board Raised $8 million
A Times database looks at more than 15,000 contributions to L.A. County supervisors.
By Jack Leanard and Doug Smith, Times Staff Writers
It has been more than a decade since any of Los Angeles
County's five supervisors faced a serious election contest,
but that hasn't curbed their appetite for campaign
A Times analysis of political donations shows that
supervisors have raised more than $8 million since 1998,
tapping businesses, labor unions and individuals who have
stakes in decisions made by the nation's largest county
The supervisors have used their political war chests to
scare off potential opponents, donate to favorite political
causes and spend on personal campaign items, including a
gun permit in one case and UCLA sports tickets in
Until now, the scope of these political donations was
almost impossible to gauge. Unlike other local governments
- including the cities of Los Angeles and Long Beach - the
county has never made such contributions accessible in a
searchable online database.
But over the last four months, The Times has built a
database of more than 15,000 contributions and, starting
today, it is available at A review of the
donations provides the most comprehensive look yet at who
has given money to the supervisors since voters approved
strict limits on campaign contributions in 1996.
• Developers dominate the list of the most generous
donors, with Newhall Land & Farming Co. on top. The
company, along with its executives and their relatives,
gave about $65,000. The supervisors have approved the
company's plans to build a 20,885-home development at
Newhall Ranch, despite opposition from
• Other top contributors include companies that have
been awarded contracts to provide services to the county.
For example, Premier Building Maintenance and its officers
have given $39,700. Last year, the county paid Premier $5
million for janitorial services. A company executive said
the firm won its contracts in open and fair bidding.
• Supervisors have held their wallets open even when
they faced no opposition. In 2000, when their terms were
about to expire, Supervisors Yvonne Brathwaite Burke, Don
Knabe and Mike Antonovich ran unopposed on the ballot yet
amassed as a group more than $1.4 million.
• In 1998, more than a year after voters approved
limits on the amount donors can give to the supervisors,
Knabe, who was newly elected, used a legal loophole to
raise money in excess of those limits to pay election
debts. He collected 40 donations exceeding the $1,000 limit
per donor, raising nearly $120,000.
Nothing prohibits contractors and developers with projects
pending before the county board from giving money to a
supervisor's campaign. And supervisors defend their
practice of accepting such donations, saying they need the
money to ensure reelection.
They insist that they do not allow campaign cash to
influence their government decisions and point to instances
when they have voted against contributors.
"Any time you get to a place where you feel because you get
$1,000 you have to vote for their issue, you're in
trouble," Burke said.
Antonovich said: "People who contribute are buying my
philosophy. I'm not buying theirs."
Campaign reform advocates expressed skepticism, however,
noting that the largest donors gave to all five
supervisors, whose political views span a broad spectrum.
Burke, Zev Yaroslavsky and Gloria Molina are Democrats;
Knabe and Antonovich are Republicans.
Kathay Feng, executive director of California Common Cause,
said elected officials should be barred from voting on
issues that would probably benefit contributors.
She cited rules that prohibit Metropolitan Transportation
Authority board members - who include all five supervisors
- from accepting more than $10 from companies that seek
contracts from the transit agency.
"It creates a perception that people who make large
donations get additional access to our elected officials,"
Feng said. "Sometimes, that impression can translate into
real influence."
Feng also criticized county leaders for failing to move
sooner to offer a more accessible way to see who
contributes to supervisors. The county registrar-recorder's
office posts printed copies of campaign finance reports on
its website, but they are difficult to view and do not
allow the public to easily search for donors.
The state and some local government agencies provide better
online tools for the public. The secretary of state's
office launched its Web database for candidates running for
state office in 2000. The city of Los Angeles' online
database includes donations since 1998, when Ethics
Commission workers started computerizing contributions to
candidates for city offices.
County Registrar-Recorder Conny McCormack said efforts to
use the same software the city uses were stalled until
recently by legal and technology concerns. The county is
preparing to launch its own online database this
The database will initially include contributions made
since January to candidates for supervisor, sheriff,
district attorney and assessor. McCormack said the county
would not add older contributions, saying staff shortages
and the county's rules on soliciting bids for outsourced
work would make the task too difficult.
"There's no legal requirement for us to go back," she said.
"It would be a huge amount of work."
The Times spent $6,300 to hire a private company to
computerize the supervisors' campaign finance records back
to 1998. The newspaper then built its own database, which
includes monetary and nonmonetary contributions, refunds
and loans.
A review of the data shows that Knabe, Antonovich and
Yaroslavsky each raised more than $2 million over the last
nine years. Burke collected $1.4 million. Molina - who
makes little secret of her distaste for fundraising -
lagged well behind with $527,589.
In 1996, county voters approved a ballot measure that in
most cases restricts donations to campaign accounts to
$1,000 per donor per election cycle. Until then, the county
had no limits, and some unions and businesses pumped tens
of thousands of dollars into individual campaigns.
A review of the donations shows that the limits have
eliminated such large one-time donations and reduced the
influence individual donors can exert on an election.
"I think it's totally changed the dynamic of political
campaigns and the appearance of favoritism completely,"
said Yaroslavsky, who wrote the campaign reform
In 1998, Knabe exceeded the limits by accepting donations
of as much as $5,000 to pay off expenses from his 1996
election, which took place before the rules took effect.
His spokesman said he raised the money only after receiving
a memo from county lawyers saying it was legal to do
Among his top donors were investors who lease land from the
county in Marina del Rey and developers, such as Newhall
Land, that need county approval for their projects.
Interest groups continue to dominate the top donors to
supervisors, despite the 1996 reforms. The $1,000 limit
does not stop a company, its executives and employees and
their relatives from each giving the maximum allowed. In
addition, donors can contribute not only to supervisors'
campaign committees but also to legal defense and
officeholder accounts that all five supervisors keep for
official business expenses.
Newhall Land, its executives and their relatives have
provided steady support to most of the supervisors. The
developer gave most generously in 1999 and 2003, coinciding
with the two votes the board took in approving the
company's sprawling Newhall Ranch development.
"If they don't vote for the projects, they won't continue
to get the contributions," said Lynne Plambeck, an
environmentalist who opposes the Newhall project.
Yaroslavsky voted against the project in 2003, the only
supervisor to do so. The company has not donated to him
Newhall spokeswoman Marlee Lauffer said the developer does
not contribute in order to gain favor for its own
"We've … given to people who we think better the
quality of life in Los Angeles County," she said.
Because no supervisor has faced a run-off election in more
than a decade, they are left with millions of dollars that
campaign rules say cannot be used in future elections.
Supervisors donate most of it to charities, civic groups
and ballot measures.
But other expenditures stand out. In 1998, Antonovich used
contributions to pay the Sheriff's Department $109 for a
permit to carry a concealed weapon. Antonovich, a retired
reserve police officer, said he sought the permit in
response to threats on his life.
"My personal protection is connected to my performance of
my duties as an elected official," he said.
State law allows expenditures that are directly related to
a political, legislative or governmental purpose.
Yaroslavsky, a Bruins fan who likes to quote legendary
basketball coach John Wooden, spent thousands of dollars on
UCLA football and basketball tickets.
In response to questions about the tickets, Yaroslavsky
provided a written statement, saying he took guests "whose
responsibilities overlap with mine as an elected official
or who have roles in the communities I represent that
overlap with my responsibilities as an elected official."
See the article on Los Angeles Times website