4 Candidates in 2001 L.A. Mayor's Race to Pay Fines
By Patrick McGreevy, Times Staff Writer
Four candidates for Los Angeles mayor in the 2001 election
have agreed to pay $33,000 for campaign finance and
disclosure violations.
Kathleen Connell, Joel Wachs, Steven Soboroff and Xavier
Becerra signed off on the amounts in settlements the city
Ethics Commission will consider Tuesday.
Connell, the former state controller, and her campaign
treasurer agreed to pay $4,500 in fines and repay $1,000 in
matching funds for accepting contributions that exceeded
legal limits.
Wachs, a former city councilman, agreed to pay $4,500 in
penalties for accepting contributions that exceeded limits
and for spending $112,815 more than the $75,000 limit on
expenditures by officeholder accounts.
Becerra, a congressman, agreed to pay a fine of $11,000 and
$7,000 in repayment of city matching funds after admitting
that he accepted matching funds for contributions he
returned and that he failed to provide the Ethics
Commission with copies of his campaign's mailers.
Soboroff, president of Playa Vista, agreed to pay $5,000
after acknowledging that his mayoral campaign failed to
provide copies of 10 mailings to the Ethics Commission.
The Ethics Commission on Tuesday will also consider
approving $147,000 in additional fines against
subcontractors of Casden Properties Inc. and employees,
relatives and friends of the subcontractors for
participating in a political money-laundering scheme aided
by a vice president of the firm. An additional $1,000 in
fines is proposed for a couple who made contributions
reimbursed by developer Mark Abrams.
See the article on Los Angeles Times website