Look Who's Buying the Mayor's Race
By Howard Blume with Maloy Moore, Op-Ed
If money begets reality, Mayor James K. Hahn, the top
overall money man in the 2005 mayoral race, can't be
counted out no matter how much an evolving city-contract
scandal touches him. By the same logic, former Assembly
Speaker Bob Hertzberg, in second place, has a shot that
belies his lack of name recognition as he seeks to pull
together a Richard Riordan-like coalition of Valley and
city Anglos. Riordan did it with his own millions;
Hertzberg must hustle for his.
Dollars also have poured recently into Antonio
Villaraigosa's campaign, which started late because of his
involvement with Sen. John Kerry's presidential bid and
because the recently elected city councilman had to agonize
over earlier pledges not to run.
The money trail also suggests that former LAPD Chief and
City Councilman Bernard C. Parks is more likely to play
spoiler to Hahn than to become mayor. And state Sen.
Richard Alarcon looms as a reverse spoiler, helping the
incumbent at the expense of Villaraigosa and perhaps
The map below shows where inside â€" and
outside â€" the city of Los Angeles the
candidates raised most of their money in 2004. Each color
corresponds to a candidate, and the larger the circle, the
more money he raised in that particular area.
â€" Howard Blume with Maloy Moore
1. San Pedro
San Pedro supports its own live-in mayor, neighbor Jimmy.
Then there's the money from harbor interests, which
consider incumbents a good investment.
2. Rancho Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills
Rancho Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills aren't in L.A., but
they've got big money and business downtown, a natural
combination for incumbent Hahn.
3. South of downtown
Neighborhoods south of downtown have people and problems
galore, but few dollars to buy influence. Some
neighborhoods gave zero to the mayor's race. Parks leads
the way in Watts 90002 with all of $1,500.
4. Black L.A.
Much of black L.A. supports Parks, but black L.A. lacks
money and enough votes to elect a mayor.
5. Black L.A.
Black L.A.'s biggest pot of money lies outside city limits
in Baldwin Hills environs, and it's going to Parks ($17,550
in one ZIP), and not to the Son of Kenneth.
6. Santa Monica
Santa Monica, land of liberals with largess, splits between
pragmatic Hahnies (who do business downtown) and lefty
Antonios (who dream of a better world).
7. Beverly Hills
Remember Beverly Hills 90210? That ZIP also crosses into
L.A. Both enclaves are rich, and together topped $200,000
in donations, the largest of any ZIP Code. Hahn ($75,350)
got the most, though Hertzberg ($62,779) and Villaraigosa
($40,250) scored too.
8. Brentwood, Pacific Palisades
Hertzberg led the way in L.A.'s wealthy pockets, including
Brentwood 90049 ($75,049) and Pacific Palisades 90272
($34,950, just edging Villaraigosa).
9. West L.A.
Across town, from West L.A. to Fairfax, Hertzberg got the
goods in heavily Jewish areas that otherwise would help
Villaraigosa or Hahn. (In Fairfax 90036, it was Hertzberg
$35,250, Villaraigosa $34,450 and Hahn $12,650.)
10. Pasadena
Hahn scores with old money in Pasadena ($19,500 in one ZIP)
and San Marino ($15,600).
11. The Valley
Hertzberg pulls in most of the Valley money belt, running
from the south edge to the west edge of the mountains.
12. Northeast Valley
Alarcon holds his northeast Valley base, but, like Parks,
his ethnic strength is more likely to play spoiler than
winner. In this area, he's shutting out Villaraigosa,
helping incumbent Hahn.
13. The Valley
Where's Bernie? Nowhere in the Valley, which would have
been a natural beachhead for the pro-business moderate.
14. West Valley
Alarcon extends his base into the Latino part of the west
Valley, but it's not where the money is. (Canoga Park 91303
gave all of its $1,500 to Alarcon.)
15. South and East of L.A.
Alarcon splits the money with Villaraigosa in Latino
enclaves south and east of L.A. proper.
16. East L.A.
Villaraigosa holds his base in East L.A. and also where
Latinos and Anglo liberals mix, as in Mount Washington,
Echo Park and Eagle Rock 90041 (Villaraigosa $12,900).
17. Downtown
Hahn does well downtown, his career stamping grounds, but
Hertz- berg especially makes inroads, as in L.A. 90071
(Hertzberg $26,450; Hahn $20,102).
See the article on Los Angeles Times website