Give L.A.'s regular voters a bigger voice
By David Donnelly and Trent Lange, Guest Commentary
FBI charges that state Sen. Leland Yee solicited campaign
contributions by agreeing to arrange international arms
deals are shocking. But the scope of it pales in comparison
to the legally allowed fundraising arms race engaged in by
almost all candidates. Fortunately, a move to strengthen
Los Angeles' public financing system shows a better
The Supreme Court's recent McCutcheon v. FEC decision
forced the Los Angeles Ethics Commission to announce
recently that it must abandon "aggregate contribution
limits," or how much money individuals can give to all
candidates for city offices combined.
The good news is the commission also urged the City Council
to do something that will give everyday Angelinos - those
most likely to get drowned out by the McCutcheon decision -
a bigger voice in city elections. And it's a proposal the
council should adopt, with an important caveat.
In Los Angeles, City Council and mayoral candidates can
qualify for matching funds on small donations after raising
a threshold amount of money and agreeing to spending
limits. Donations up to $250 for City Council candidates
and $500 for citywide candidates are matched on a
two-to-one basis in the primary, empowering small dollar
donors by turning $50 into $150.
This helps, but it's not enough because council candidates
are allowed contributions up to $700, and citywide
candidates up to $1,300 - well beyond most voters' means.
Worse, half of contributions to council candidates come
from outside the city. No wonder voter turnout is abysmal -
they question who their leaders are actually accountable
The commission suggested last week that the matching ratio
be upped to six-to-one, mirroring what New York City
currently does. That same $50 donation would become $350
for participating candidates. And starting next election,
contributions from only city residents will be matched.
One change needed to their proposal is reducing the maximum
contribution eligible for matching (say to $150) so that
candidates focus more on regular voters than on bigger
donors. People who give $500 aren't small donors and
shouldn't be rewarded with limited public funds.
New York City's experience shows the importance of these
reforms. After their match increased to six-to-one in 2009
for donations up to $175, the average donation for
participating candidates dropped by more than one-third.
Candidates are more connected to their constituents because
they spend less of their time fundraising from special
interests, and more time talking to regular voters.
Participatory approaches to campaign finance reform, like
Los Angeles' system can be with these reforms, hold the
promise to bring more people into politics. Since we're not
likely to "get money out of politics," bringing the voters
back in is the best answer to a system awash with
In Washington, D.C., the Government By the People Act (H.R.
20) in the House and the Fair Elections Now Act (S. 2023)
in the Senate take a similar approach and they're supported
by several Los Angeles-area elected officials.
The bills work by combining a tax credit on small donations
and a six-to-one match on donations of $150 or less,
empowering everyday people who can't write big checks, and
helping candidates jump off the fundraising treadmill when
running for office.
Sen. Barbara Boxer has signed onto the Senate bill and 25
California members of the House delegation have
co-sponsored the House version, including Los Angeles Reps.
Brad Sherman, Xavier Becerra, Janice Hahn and Henry
Just like these members of Congress, the Los Angeles Ethics
Commission is taking a proactive stance in the face of our
increasingly big money-dominated political system. If the
City Council adopts these participatory recommendations,
Los Angeles will become one of the leaders in ensuring
elections are about people, not big campaign checks. And,
importantly, it will do so in the wake of a Supreme Court
decision that further places elections into the hands of
big-money campaign donors. There's no better time than now
to show the country - as well as Congress and the courts -
a different path forward.
David Donnelly is the executive director of Public
Campaign Action Fund, a national organization focused on
reforming our country's campaign finance laws. Trent Lange
is the president of California Clean Money Campaign, a
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused on solving the
problems of big money in California politics.
See the article on Los Angeles Daily News website